Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Things to remember in Servlet URL Mapping

Most of the time when we work, we always uses any web MVC framework like struts. And we start forgetting the advantages which are in the web.xml by default.
I just thought sharing about servlet url mapping in web.xml. You may thing this is a very basic in j2ee. That right, however they are some important points which should be remembered ;)
When we map the URL for servlet, always suffix wildcard string will be taken as the first priority than prefix wildcard.
      For above URL two pattern matches in the below weeb.xml file,even SampleServlet matches the long string.Only the SampleServlet2 should get executed.
      So the bottom line is suffix always wins first ;)
Wildcard only before or after /
When you want to apply wildcard (*), it will work only after or before the / in the url mapping.  
The above code will not get matched if we have URL like this
Wildcard at the start or end
You can apply wildcard only at the start or the end, if you try to apply the wildcard in between the url like below.
And trying to call with the URL: , the mapping will not be picked.

Sample Web.xml

    	This is a SampleServlet
    	This is a SampleServlet 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice post. keep it up... :)

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