Saturday, December 19, 2009

Things to be remembered before including a file in your JSP page.

Their are 3 ways in J2ee [as for as i know ;)] from which you can include a file inisde your JSP. Let see what is the pros cons of each one.

<@inlcude file="someJunkIncludeFile.jsp">
  • As include is a page directive, you CANNOT pass dynamic values (by using scriplets or EL expressions)
  • It copies all the text which are in the included file (say someJunkIncludeFile.jsp) to the parent page.This happens every time when your parent page is getting recompiled, so make sure that if you have more include in a parent page, and the parent page will be recompiled often, then this may lead you a performance overhead :(
  • In advance containers like Tomcat 6, the container will automatically recompile your parent jsp, if any of your child pages or included pages are updated
  • In XML-based Jsp tags, you can specify the <@include/> as
<jsp:include page="someJunkIncludeFile.jsp"/>

  • JSP Action include can allow the dynamic values (by using scriplets or EL expressions) as a argument.(Thats why they call it as jsp Action include)
  • You can pass dynamic argument values to the include JSP page using param attribute.Below is the example which will pass values to the child page.


  • In your child page you can use the value test in the request scope by accessing.

  • < % =request.getParameter("test") % >

  • You can't pass any input arguments in query string to the child page, when you are including from the parent page


  • In above code test parameter can't be accessed from the child page, as they passed as a input query.
JSTL < c:import url="someJunkIncludeFile.jsp"/ >
  • c:import is 99.99% similar to jsp:include, the only difference i can feel is it can access the resources which are outside your application
  • in the url attribute (name sugest) we need to specify the entire URL of the resource. as below


Jobs said...

This is a nice comparison. easy to remember :)

黃郁順 said...
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