Friday, November 6, 2009

Google created Easy tools for developing JavaScript code.

Google has came up with 3 Tools which will really bring down you most of the JavaScript development efforts. They collectively called as "Closure Tools".

Closure Compiler:

    This tool will check your code and increases the performance of the code by removing unnecessary lines. It will also alert you with some common error pitfalls in java scripts.

    Google has created application (     from which you can check you code. Just copy your code and past it and click the compile button.

Closure Library:
    It's a JavaScript Library from which you get most of the cross browser JavaScript API code. There are lots of JavaScript API in the internet,but most of them are not supported by more than 2 browsers and gives lot surprises (bugs) during integrations, but here it was supported by all the browsers and it form Google J
Closure Templates:
    This is similar to a template engine, which will have reusable HTML and UI elements. For example you can have a check box which customized with Closure Templates and it can been used in your entire page.

For more info Check out Introducing Closure Tools.

I am also planning to come up with simple example on this topic in future…

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